What They Said - A

Alan P. Scott - Quotes

and might believe


Kim Aaron

Ballerina Gone Bad

Bring more grapes! Bring more dancing boys!

Catch hell with both hands.

Dog Pitch Velocity - from another poem.

Give me individuality or give me death.

Hedges hide microphones
Kittens follow you down
the street and around
the corner. Maybe
I'm paranoid. I'm
certainly not creating.

I can't live with living without.

If I were a camera... I'd look mighty funny in these shoes.

I love Ringo. I love John. I love George... I love Ringo.

I'm so drunk I'm typical.

I'm the female imperative.

Intelligent people aren't supposed to be happy.


I won't sleep with him... unless he tries to seduce me.

Life ends on a comeback.

Morals stop at money.

No mercy for the tacky.

Republicans wrapping their fingers around the throat of democracy.

Secure in the knowledge that
someone's looking
You still don't feel good
about what's going on.
I hope you figure out
What you need
Before you look and it's
been gone.

She sees this guy through lust-colored glasses.

That's ok, I don't look like me anyway.


We were on a seven-month collision course.

Wit burning.


I've seen the future - I can't afford it.
--"I Wanna Be A Millionaire"

LeNora Adkins

Heck's doesn't have a baby aisle.

The InHumane Society

Kim, bless you for the banana - my potassium level thanks you.

The price we pay because we don't want to pay the price.

Brian Aldiss

It is well that there is a distance between life and art.
--"The Man and a Man with His Mule," Cultural Breaks, p. 58
SEE ALSO: Ander Monson

Martin Amis

Writing is infidelity. [...] all writing is infidelity.
--The Information

Tori Amos

Boy you'd better hope I bleed real soon - how's that thought for you?
--"Silent All These Years"

God, sometimes you just don't come through - do you need a woman to look after you?

Just what God needs - one more victim.
--"Crucify Yourself"

So you can come - that doesn't make you Jesus.
--"Precious Things," during an in-studio performance on KROQ-FM 106.7, Los Angeles, California.
This version differs from the one on the lyric sheet... Here's why.

There are only two emotions, love and distorted love, if you think about it.

Laurie Anderson

My father died, and it was as if a library had burned down.
--Interview on NPR

Piers Anthony

Decent folk [had] to let the indecent folk do their thing; that was the paradox of decency.

Antis, a band from Russia

What kind of revolution is this
that doesn't need intellectuals?

Kathleen Ashodian

BEER: It's only liquid bread.
(This quote probably not original.)

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Original content and arrangement © Alan P. Scott. Other content as attributed. All rights reserved.

Last updated August 31, 2006.

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