Bird Related
for the
Cascadia Region

Top 10 references
General Identification and Birding
Family Identification
REGIONAL: British Columbia
REGIONAL: Washington
REGIONAL: Miscellaneous

Top 10 List:

The following is a useful starter's list of Cascadia references derived from a survey of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia Birders. 13 people participated in the survey, listing there choices in order of preference (except for the one that was in alphabetical order). The score represents 2 criteria. The first is total ranking (10 to 1, with 130 cummulative possible). The second value is the number of participants out of 13 who included the book in their list.

1._Birds of North America_
   Scott, Shirley L.(ed.). 1987. National Geographic Society, Washington D.C.

2._Shorebirds of the Pacific Northwest_
   Paulson, Dennis. 1993. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

3._The Birder's Guide to Oregon_
   Evanich, Joseph E. 1990. Portland Audubon Society.

4._Birds of Oregon_
   Gilligan, Jeff, Mark Smith, Dennis Rogers & Alan Contreras. 1995. Cinclus.

5._ Master's Guide to Birding(vol.1-3)_
   Farrand, John (ed.). 1983. Alfred A. Knopf, NY.

6._Birds of Washington_ (out of print)
   Jewett, Stanley G., Walter P. Taylor, William T. Shaw, and John W.
   Aldrich. 1953. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

7._Birds of British Columbia:Vol. 1, Loons through Waterfowl, Vol. 2 Birds of Prey through    Woodpeckers_ (vol. 3-4 expected fall 1996).
   Campbell, R. W. and five co-authors. 1989. British Columbia Provincial Museum.

8._Shorebirds:an identification guide_
   Hayman, Peter, John Marchant & Tony Prater. 1986. Houghton Mifflin, Boston.

9._A Guide to Bird Finding in Washington_
   Wahl, Terence & Dennis Paulson. 1991.

10._Western Birds_
   Peterson, Roger Tory. 1990. Houghton Mifflin, Boston.

Other titles mentioned by survey participants:

General Identification and birding

Family Identification

REGIONAL: British Columbia




Top 10 references
General Identification and Birding
Family Identification
REGIONAL: British Columbia
REGIONAL: Washington
REGIONAL: Miscellaneous

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