A Solution to Lab #4, Extra Credit

//  Student Name: Derek Smalls
//    Student ID: 123-45-6789
//        Cource: CS161
//   Assignement: #4
//      Due Date: 7-31-97 (Thur)
//          File: program4.cpp
//   Description: The program approximates the value of pi.
//                The algorithm calculates pi by approximating 
//                the area of a circular arc.  And for extra 
//                credit, the pi also can be approximated by 
//                a formula derived by Gottfried Leibniz.
#include <iostream.h> // cin, cout 
#include <iomanip.h>  // setprecision 
#include <math.h>     // sqrt(), pow()
//Function declarations
double computeCirclePI  ( long  lcIterations ); //function to approximate
                                                //pi value using circle
double computeLeibnizPI ( long  lcIterations ); //function to approximate
                                                //pi value using Leibniz's
void displayPItable (long   lcIterations,       //function to display
                     double lcApproxCirclePI,   //calculated pi values 
                     double lcApproxLeibnizPI); //depending on different
                                                //iteration numbers
// Global constant variable declaration
const long   MAX_NUM_OF_ITERATION  =  7L;       //Number of different
                                                //executions - 7 times for
                                                //this assignment
                                                //1, 10, 100,... 1000000
const long   ITER_INCREMENT_FACTOR = 10L;       //Above iteration
                                                //incremeted by
                                                //power of 10
const double RADIUS = 2.0;                      //Radius of circle in use
// main function start
void main (void)
  //Local variable Definition
  int iterIndex;              //iteration numbers
  double approxCirclePI;      //approximated PI value by circle
  double approxLeibnizPI;     //approximated PI value calculated
                              //by Leibniz'formular
  long iterations = 1;        //Initialize the iteration - start from 1
  //Display the header of tables
  cout << setw (11) << "Iterations";            //Reserve the space
                                                //and display the text
  cout << setw (20) << "Circle Method";
  cout << setw (20) << "Leibniz Method" << endl;
  //Header separator
  cout << "-----------------------------------------------------" << endl;
  //for loop to try 7 different iteration numbers
  for (iterIndex = 1; iterIndex <= MAX_NUM_OF_ITERATION; iterIndex++) 
    //Call the function to calculate the pi using circle method 
    approxCirclePI = computeCirclePI ( iterations );
    //Call the function to calculate the pi using Leibniz's formular 
    approxLeibnizPI = computeLeibnizPI ( iterations );
    //Once calculated pi values are retunrd, diplay both pis from 
    //two different function
    displayPItable (iterations, approxCirclePI, approxLeibnizPI);
    //Before try to next number iteration, increment the iteration by 
    //power of ten
    iterations = iterations * ITER_INCREMENT_FACTOR;
//      Function: computeCirclePI
//         Input: lcIterarions - number of iterations
//        Output: calcuated PI value from rectangle area method 
//   Description: The function calculates the value of PI
//                using sumation of area for given iteration 
//                numbers of rectangles
double computeCirclePI ( long lcIterations ) 
  // Local variable definition
  double circlePI = 0.0;          //PI value using circle method
  double width, halfWidth;        //width and half of width for rectangle 
  double height;                  //Height of rectangle
  double xDistance;               //The x-axis to mid point of rectangle 
  double xDistanceSquare;         //the square of x value
  double areaOfRectangle;         //area of reactangle 
  double radiusSquare;            //square of radius
  long iterIndex;                 //iteration index
  width = RADIUS / lcIterations;  //width of rectagle is given by
                                  //radis divided by total number of
  halfWidth = width / 2;          //haldwidth id given by width divided
                                  //by 2
  radiusSquare = RADIUS * RADIUS; //calculate Radius * Radius
  //for loop to iterate by given iteration numbers
  //start the iteration from 1 to given lcIteration number 
  //increment iteration by 1 whenever it loops
  for (iterIndex = 1; iterIndex <= lcIterations; iterIndex++) 
    //calculate horizon distance to the midpoint of rectangle 
    xDistance =  width * ( iterIndex - 1 ) + halfWidth;
    //calculate the square of x value
    xDistanceSquare = xDistance * xDistance;
    //                                        ________ 
    //                                       / 2    2 
    //height is given by the formular h = '\/ r  - x 
    height = sqrt (radiusSquare - xDistanceSquare);
    //calculate the area of rectangle
    areaOfRectangle = width * height;
    //PI is summation of areas of all finite rectangles 
    circlePI = circlePI + areaOfRectangle;
  //Once the calculation is done, returns the calculatye PI 
  return circlePI;
//      Function: computeLeibnizPI
//         Input: lcIterations - number of iterations 
//        Output: computed Leibniz PI value
//   Description: The function calculates the value of PI 
//                using Leibniz's method.  The formular is 
//                given as a following form
//                pi/4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 + ... 
double computeLeibnizPI ( long lcIterations )
  // Local variable definition
  double quarterPI = 0.0;            //quarter of PI value
  double leibnizPI;                  //calculated leibniz PI value
  long iterIndex = 1;                //iteration Index
  while (iterIndex <= lcIterations ) //begining of while loop
  {                                  //until iterIndex <= iteration numbers
    quarterPI = quarterPI +                         //calculate quarter PI
                (pow (-1.0, iterIndex + 1)          //alteranting signs by
                                                    //powering -1
                * (1 / double(2 * iterIndex - 1))); //Denomiators are only
                                                    //odd numbers 1, 3, 5...
                                                    //(2n-1) where n is 1,
                                                    //2, 3,... will provide
                                                    //odd number series
    iterIndex++;                     //Increment iteration
                                     //index by 1
  } //End of while loop
  leibnizPI = 4 * quarterPI;         //Mutiply quarter PI by 4 to get
                                     //whole PI value
  return leibnizPI;                  //Returns the calculated PI value
//      Function: displayPITable
//         Input: lcIterarions - number of iterations, 
//                Approximated Circle PI value,
//                Approximated Leibniz PI value 
//        Output: no retrun value
//   Description: The function displays estimated PI calculated 
//                by both circle method (summation of rectangle 
//                area) and Leibniz's formula
void displayPItable (long   lcIterations,
                     double lcApproxCirclePI,
                     double lcApproxLeibnizPI)
    cout.setf (ios::showpoint);   //These will force to show 
    cout.setf (ios::fixed);       //the 0s and decimal points
    //Reserve 20 spaces and set 10 decimal points 
    //then display number of Iterations
    cout << setw (11) << setprecision (10) << lcIterations;
    //Reserve 20 space again then displays Appoximated PI value 
    //calcualted using Circle method
    cout << setw (20) << lcApproxCirclePI;
    //Reserve 20 space again then displays Appoximated PI value 
    //calcualted using Leibniz's formula
    cout << setw (20) << lcApproxLeibnizPI << endl;


 Iterations       Circle Method      Leibniz Method
          1        3.4641016151        4.0000000000
         10        3.1524114333        3.0418396189
        100        3.1419368579        3.1315929036
       1000        3.1416035449        3.1405926538
      10000        3.1415929980        3.1414926536
     100000        3.1415926645        3.1415826536
    1000000        3.1415926539        3.1415916536

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