Sample Solution to Lab #2

//  Student name: Some Student
//    Student ID: 123-45-6789
//        Course: CS161
//    Assignment: #2
//      Due date: 7-15-97
//   Description: program2.cpp
//                This program calculates the total amount the customer
//                of a carpet store should be charged. The calculation
//                is based on the square yards purhased, cost per square
//                yard, labor cost, floor preparation, volume discounts,
//                and tax. The program takes input from the user and results
//                are output to the screen in table format.

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
const float TAX_RATE = 0.04f;     // global tax rate
// Function declarations(prototypes)

// Function: doCustomer
//           This function processes a
//           customer using other functions
//   Inputs: an integer representing the customer      (value)
//  Outputs: a float representing the customer charge  (reference)
float doCustomer(int customer);

// Function: getData
//           This function prompts the user for data
//           and returns the user input to calling
//           function
//   Inputs: an integer representing the customer        (value)
//  Outputs: a float representing square yards purchased (reference)
//           a float representing cost per square yard   (reference)
//           a float representing labor per square yard  (reference)
//           a float representing floor prep cost        (reference)
//           a float representing discount rate          (reference)
void getData(int customer,
             int &sqr_yrds,
             float &cost_per_sqr_yrd,
             float &lbr_per_sqr_yrd,
             float &prep_cost,
             float &discount_rate);

// Function: calculateCosts
//           Calculates customer's costs based on the data input
//           by the user
//   Inputs: a float representing square yards purchased (value)
//           a float representing cost per square yard   (value)
//           a float representing labor per square yard  (value)
//           a float representing floor preparation cost (value)
//           a float representing discount rate          (value)
//  Outputs: a float representing carpet cost            (reference)
//           a float representing labor cost             (reference)
//           a float representing total discount         (reference)
//           a float representing total tax              (reference)
//           a float representing total customer charge  (reference)
void calculateCosts(int sqr_yrds,
                    float cost_per_sqr_yrd,
                    float lbr_per_sqr_yrd,
                    float prep_cost,
                    float discount_rate,
                    float &carpet_cost,
                    float &labor_cost,
                    float &discount,
                    float &total_tax,
                    float &customer_charge);

// Function: printResults
//           This function prints the results of each user
//   Inputs: an integer representing the customer (value)
//           a float representing square yards
//           a float representing cost per square yard
//           a float representing labor per square yard
//           a float representing floor preparation cost
//           a float representing total carpet cost per customer
//           a float representing total labor cost per customer
//           a float representing total discount per customer
//           a float representing total tax per customer
//           a float representing total charge per customer
void printResults(int customer,
                  int sqr_yrds,
                  float cost_per_sqr_yrd,
                  float lbr_per_sqr_yrd,
                  float prep_cost,
                  float carpet_cost,
                  float labor_cost,
                  float discount,
                  float total_tax,
                  float customer_charge);

void main(void)
   float charge1,              // Total charge per customer 1-4
         float grandTotal;     // Sum of all customers(1-4) total charge

   //Call function doCustomer for each of 4 customers and returns
   //total charge for each customer to charge#
   charge1 = doCustomer(1);
   charge2 = doCustomer(2);
   charge3 = doCustomer(3);
   charge4 = doCustomer(4);

   //Calculates grand total for all customers
   grandTotal = charge1 + charge2 + charge3 + charge4;

   //Outputs grand total to screen
   cout << setw(23) << "Total for all customers: " << setw(5)
        << "$" << setw(10) << grandTotal << endl;


//Function descriptions

float doCustomer(int customer)
   float charge;           // Total charge for customer
   int sqr_yrds;           // Square yards purchased 
   float cost_per_sqr_yrd; // Cost per square yard
   float lbr_per_sqr_yrd;  // Labor per square yard
   float prep_cost;        // Floor preparation cost
   float discount_rate;    // Discount rate applied to carpet cost
   float carpet_cost;      // Total cost for carpet
   float labor_cost;       // Total cost for labor
   float discount;         // Total discount for customer
   float total_tax;        // Total tax on purchase

   //Gets customer data from user
   getData(customer, sqr_yrds, cost_per_sqr_yrd, lbr_per_sqr_yrd,
           prep_cost, discount_rate);

   //Calculate the cost for the customer
   calculateCosts(sqr_yrds, cost_per_sqr_yrd, lbr_per_sqr_yrd,
                  prep_cost, discount_rate, carpet_cost, labor_cost,discount, total_tax, charge);

   //Print the results of calculations for the customer
   printResults(customer, sqr_yrds, cost_per_sqr_yrd, lbr_per_sqr_yrd,
                prep_cost, carpet_cost, labor_cost, discount,
                total_tax, charge);

   //Return the calculated charge to calling function for grand totalcalc
   return charge;

void getData(int customer, int &sqr_yrds, float &cost_per_sqr_yrd,
             float &lbr_per_sqr_yrd, float &prep_cost, float &discount_rate)
   //Inform user which customer to input data for
   cout << "Accepting data for customer " << customer << endl;

   //Prompt user for each data value and store in appropriate variable
   cout << setw(37) << "Input square yards purchased: ";
   cin >> sqr_yrds;
   cout << setw(37) << "Input cost per square yard: ";
   cin >> cost_per_sqr_yrd;
   cout << setw(37) << "Input labor cost per square yard: ";
   cin >> lbr_per_sqr_yrd;
   cout << setw(37) << "Input floor preparation cost: ";
   cin >> prep_cost;
   cout << setw(36) << "Input discount rate for transaction: ";
   cin >> discount_rate;

   //Provides spacing of output for readability
   cout << endl;

void calculateCosts(int sqr_yrds, float cost_per_sqr_yrd,
                    float lbr_per_sqr_yrd, float prep_cost, 
                    float discount_rate, float &carpet_cost, 
                    float &labor_cost, float &discount, float &total_tax, 
                    float &customer_charge)
   //Calculate carpet cost
   carpet_cost = sqr_yrds * cost_per_sqr_yrd;

   //Calculate labor cost
   labor_cost = sqr_yrds * lbr_per_sqr_yrd + prep_cost;

   //Calculate total discount
   discount = carpet_cost * discount_rate;

   //Calculate total tax on carpet NOTE: tax is on carpet cost afterdiscount
   total_tax = (carpet_cost - discount) * TAX_RATE;

   //Calculate total customer charge
   customer_charge = carpet_cost + labor_cost - discount + total_tax;

void printResults(int customer, int sqr_yrds, float cost_per_sqr_yrd,
                  float lbr_per_sqr_yrd, float prep_cost, float carpet_cost,
                  float labor_cost, float discount, float total_tax,
                  float customer_charge)

   //Prints results of user input and calculations
   cout << setw(30) << "Results for customer " << customer << endl;
   cout << setw(31) << "----------------------" << endl;

   //Sets floating point output as fixed-point mode
   cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);

   //Sets floating point output to always use decimal point

   //Sets the precision of floating point output to two decimal places
   cout << setprecision(2);
   // output all input values and calculated values
   cout << setw(24) << "Square yards purchased:" << setw(6) << " "
        << setw(10) << sqr_yrds << endl;
   cout << setw(24) << "Cost per square yard:" << setw(6) << "$"
        << setw(10) << cost_per_sqr_yrd << endl;
   cout << setw(24) << "Labor per square yard:" << setw(6) << "$"
        << setw(10) << lbr_per_sqr_yrd << endl;
   cout << setw(24) << "Floor preparation cost:" << setw(6) << "$"
        << setw(10) << prep_cost << endl;
   cout << setw(24) << "Cost for carpet:" << setw(6) << "$"
        << setw(10) << carpet_cost << endl;
   cout << setw(24) << "Cost for labor:" << setw(6) << "$"
        << setw(10) << labor_cost << endl;
   cout << setw(24) << "Discount on carpet:" << setw(6) << "$"
        << setw(10) << discount << endl;
   cout << setw(24) << "Tax on carpet:" << setw(6) << "$"
        << setw(10) << total_tax << endl;
   cout << setw(24) << "Charge to customer:" << setw(6) << "$"
        << setw(10) << customer_charge << endl;

   //Prints a boundary between customers
   cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl;

   //Provides spacing of output for readability
   cout << endl;