Sample Pseudo Code Comments

This program gives some examples of how one might use pseudo code in a comment. Refer to the Pseudo Code Style Guide for details on the text in bold. This pseudo code is at the level of detail I would expect on an assignment. This program also purposely lacks function header comments and comments within the code. I want you to focus on the pseudo code comments.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <math.h>

double computeCirclePI(long iterations);
double computeLeibnizPI(long iterations);
void displayHeader(void);
void displayPI(long iterations, double firstPI, double secondPI);

const long MAX_ITERATIONS = 1000000L;

//  Function: main
//  Call displayHeader
//  For iterations from 1 to MAX_ITERATIONS (step by factor of 10)
//    Call computeCirclePI with iterations returning piCircle
//    Call computeLeibnizPI with iterations returning piLeibniz
//    Call displayPI with iterations, piCircle, piLeibniz
//  End For
void main(void)
	long iterations;
	double piCircle, piLeibniz;

	for (iterations = 1; iterations <= MAX_ITERATIONS; iterations *= 10)
		piCircle = computeCirclePI(iterations);
		piLeibniz = computeLeibnizPI(iterations);
		displayPI(iterations, piCircle, piLeibniz);

//  Function: computeCirclePI
//  Set radius to 2.0
//  Set pi to 0.0
//  Compute width
//  For index from 1 to iterations
//    Calculate x coordinate (midpoint of rectangle)
//    Calculate height of rectangle
//    Calculate area of rectangle
//    Add area to pi
//  End For
//  Return pi
double computeCirclePI(long iterations)
	const double radius = 2.0;
	double x, height, pi = 0.0;
	double width, area;

	width = radius / iterations;
	for (long index = 1; index <= iterations; index++)
		x = (index * width) - (width / 2);
		height = sqrt(radius * radius - x * x);
		area = height * width;
		pi += area;
	return pi;

//  Function: computerLeibnizPI
//  Set pi to 0.0
//  Set denominator to 1.0
//  Set index to 1
//  While (index less than or equal to iterations)
//    Calculate next term
//    If (index is odd)
//       Add term to pi
//    Else
//       Subtract term from pi
//    End If
//    Calculate denominator
//    Increment index
//  End While
//  Multiply pi by 4
//  Return pi
double computeLeibnizPI(long iterations)
	double term, pi = 0.0;
	long denominator = 1.0, index = 1L;

	while(index <= iterations)
		term = 1.0 / denominator;
		if (index % 2)
			pi = pi + term;
			pi = pi - term;

		denominator += 2;
	return 4 * pi;

//  Function: displayHeader
//  Display column headings
//  Display separator line
void displayHeader(void)
	cout << "Iterations       Circle Method       Leibniz Method";
	cout << endl;
	cout << "---------------------------------------------------";
	cout << endl;

//  Function: displayPI
//  Set cout flags
//  Display iterations
//  Set precision for floating point
//  Display firstPI
//  Display secondPI
//  Display new line
void displayPI(long iterations, double firstPI, double secondPI)
	cout << setw(10)  << iterations;
	cout << setprecision(10);
	cout << setw(20) << firstPI;
	cout << setw(20) << secondPI;
	cout << endl;
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