Contrasting Languages at 3 Levels


Assembly language (Intel 80386)


_main proc far
mov word ptr [bp-2],1  ;the address of a is bp-2
                       ;the value is 1
mov word ptr [bp-4],2  ;the address of b is bp-4
                       ;the value is 2
mov word ptr [bp-6],3  ;the address of c is bp-6
                       ;the value is 3
mov word ptr [bp-8],4  ;the address of d is bp-8 
                       ;the value is 4 
mov ax,word ptr [bp-2] ;put a's value in ax reg
imul word ptr [bp-4]   ;multiply ax reg by b, 
                       ;put result back in ax
mov dx,word ptr [bp-6] ;put c's value in dx reg 
add dx,word ptr [bp-8] ;add d to the dx reg
                       ;put result back in dx
imul dx                ;multiply ax reg by dx
                       ;put result back in ax
mov word ptr [bp-10],ax ;the address of e is bp-10
                        ;the value of e is 14
_main endp



Machine language (Intel 80386)




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