Lab #4 FAQ

(Frequently Asked Questions)

Updated: Monday, July 28, at 9:30 am

Here are some Questions and Answers for Lab #4. I've noticed that some students are asking questions similar to these:

Q: Most of the exercises we've done, including the ones in the book, follow the same approach:
  getData(...);             // prompts user for input
  calculateResults(...);    // calculates values based on input
  displayResults(...);      // prints input and results
Do we need to follow that for this assignment since we don't prompt the user for anything?

A: Not exactly. If you are only doing the first part of the assignment, it is OK to put all of the code in main. The program doesn't require any user-defined functions. If, however, you choose to do the complete extra credit assignment, you will have at least 3 functions (main, plus the 2 functions I've described in the handout). Since there is no user input, you don't need a getData(...) function, but you may want to write a function that prints a line of the table of PI values.

Q: Why can't we use any global variables?
A: Global variables have their use, but not in this class. It was necessary to expose you to globals because of the scoping rules. However, a major goal of CS161 is to familiarize the student with inter-function communication, which is best accomplished by passing parameters between functions. If I assign a lab that could benefit from global variables, I will tell you.

Q: Can we use global constants?
A: Absolutely. If there is a value in your program that is used by several functions, and its value never changes, it should be declared as a global constant. If the constant is used in only one function, it may be better to declare it in the function where it is used.

Q: Why does my program issue a message like: sqrt: DOMAIN error?
A: The DOMAIN error is most likely because you are taking the sqare root of a negative number. The formula given in the handout to calculate h is:
   h = sqrt(r * r - x * x);
if x is greater than r, which it should never be, this will give you a negative number in parentheses. Due to the rounding errors with floating point math, the value of x actually ends up something like:
and this is the problem since r is always 2. How you arrive at the value for x each time through the loop will probably determine whether or not you experience the DOMAIN error problem. If you use a method that increments the value of x by a small amount each time through the loop, after thousands of additions, the error may show up. You should try using a different method of calculating the next value of x instead of incrementing the same value for each iteration. If you look closer, you will see that there is a very simple way of determining the x value based on the width of the rectangle (which you know) and the current iteration of the loop (which you also know). Under UNIX, you may get a message saying na or NAN. That's their way of saying DOMAIN error. Usually, it's NAN, which stands for "Not A Number", and that is the error issued when you get an overflow (or underflow).

Q: In the Extra Credit assignment, to how many decimal places should I display PI?
A: You should follow the formatting shown in the handout. PI is displayed to 10 decimal places.

Q: I thought that floats were only accurate to 7 digits. How can I display PI to 10 decimal places?
A: Don't use floats. They are not accurate enough.

Q: My program works on the AIX system, but doesn't work with Borland Turbo C++. I thought C++ worked anywhere?
A: C++ does work everywhere (or should). The problem is that Turbo C++ is a 16-bit environment, so integers are in the range:
   -32,768 to +32,767
The AIX system is a 32 bit system, so integers are in the range:
   -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
If you remember, I showed you the relative sizes and ranges of the different data types in C++. 32 bit systems hide some of these sticky details from you. I have had a few students turn in Lab #4, and all of them failed under Borland Turbo C++. The reason is because the programs are not using the appropriate data types. I suggest that all students run their programs under Turbo C++ and the AIX platform (which is required of you anyway.) This is especially true for those of you using Borland C++ 5.0 or MSVC++ 4.0 or later. You won't notice that your program is wrong until you get it back with a grade showing that! Turbo C++ is actually very instructive when it comes to sizes of data types.

Other hints
Read the handout completely. Some students lose points because they failed to following the instructions in the handout

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